Matthew Nichols

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Scholarships and Awards

Skills and Computer Experience


August, 2011 to Present, Teaching Assistant, University of Louisville

I prepare lab equipment each week and proctor students as they complete their lab assignments. I collect the labs, grade them, and record the scores online. For a large lecture course, I grade homework, hand out and proctor exams, help with review sessions, and record scores online.

Personal Activities

January, 2013 to Present, Astronomy Summer Camp

I am currently working with the University of Louisville's College of Arts and Sciences and the Jewish Community Center to develop a 5 day camp for middle school children in the Louisville area. I'm planning a curriculum which includes daily hands-on activities and learning exercises in astronomy.

October, 2012 to Present, Volunteer Science Fair Mentor

I helped develop science fair projects involving astrophysics for 3 high school students. I guide them as they study background material and help them understand the reasoning behind what they are doing.

August, 2012 to Present, GRE Preparation Seminars

I developed seminars to help undergraduate students prepare for the Physics GRE. I gave students tips and taught them techniques for effectively taking the exam. I also proctored and graded a practice exam under normal testing conditions.

August, 2008 to Present, Society of Physics Students

I am a member of both the local chapter and the National SPS. Locally, I've served as multiple officers, including President for 3 semesters. We've received a number of awards from SPS National, including Outstanding Chapter and Marsh W. White Award for outreach activities.

October, 2012, Astronomer at the "Ask an Astronomer" booth

I fielded questions as a volunteer at the "Ask and Astronomer" booth at the 2012 National Science Teachers Association Meeting in Louisville, KY.

Honor and Professional Societies